Perspective is Everything

Jan 16, 2017

Today is National Blue Day.

So, it should come as no surprise that a large percentage of Canadians feel that January and February are the hardest months of the year. We likely have a holiday hangover, which by definition is simply the buildup and excitement of the holidays followed by a drop in overall attitude, motivation, and spirit.

The bills are starting to trickle in, we are coming and going from work in the dark, and perhaps we feel a little sluggish and puffy from all that overindulging. And to top it off, we/ some of us/ many of us/ all of us feel uncertain about the economy, the job market, and let’s face it, the impending changing of the guard for our neighbors to the South. 

These are changing times and the task of life may feel overwhelming at the moment. If you’re feeling a bit blue these days, try the following simple steps to help get you through … one day at a time. 

1)   Make your bed every morning.  That way you accomplish something before you even leave the house.

2)   Get outside and get some sun on your face and fresh air in your lungs.  Really breathe it in deeply and exhale it. Fully. 

3)   Give something away each and every day … a smile, a compliment, a friendly glance.  Sometimes we must give away what we need the most.

4)   Be thankful, on purpose.  And remember “You are a child of the universe no less than the trees and the stars; you have a right to be here. And whether it is clear to you or not, no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should” –Max Ehrmann, Desiderata

Have faith.  Perspective is everything.  

It’s Good To Talk.