“Talking is good for the soul. When we confide in someone about the things that trouble us most, we feel less burdened, less weighted and less alone.”


It takes courage to reach out for help, and we understand how difficult it can be. At Head Coach Psychology, we feel a strong sense of responsibility when our clients open up and share their innermost thoughts and feelings.

One of our greatest assets is our ability to be genuinely empathetic and engaged in the process. We believe in the power of choice and the potential for lasting change.

Maya Angelou said, “When you know better, you do better.” We can teach you the tools that will help you move forward with confidence.

Sometimes it may involve real life homework, but rest assured the homework will be purposeful and will not resemble the stuff that put you to sleep in high school.

Change must occur if we want our future to be different than our past. And more often than not, it does not come easy.

Even when we want it, when we need it, when we are so sick of the same old same old that we think we might be losing our grip on reality, change is difficult. It takes serious commitment and hard work.


We are always fascinated by people’s stories. No two people are alike, and each person brings a unique set of circumstances to the table. Some clients want to develop new strategies while others want to start over and begin anew.

Therapy is a process. Like anything, lasting change doesn’t happen overnight. We spend a lot of time thinking about what clothes to wear, what hairstyle to sport, what type of car to drive or house to live in. What’s interesting, though, is that if we are unhappy on the inside, none of that external stuff matters. It’s like owning a beautiful car that doesn’t run properly. It looks nice and is admired from afar but it’s incapable of going anywhere. In the end, we wind up with a lot of pretty things, but our soul is void and barren.

Therapy may be difficult at times, and it may require you to step outside your comfort zone too, but the benefits of quality therapy have been shown to be exponential. We cannot promise you it will be easy, but with hard work and perseverance, it WILL be worth it.

Good quality therapy is an investment in yourself.

Frequently Asked Questions

Head Coach Psychology
Are your services covered by insurance?

Psychological counselling services in Kelowna, BC and Alberta are usually covered under personal or workplace benefit packages. Please check with your provider for details. 

How will I know if it's the right fit?

Like with any relationship, comfort and compatibility are key. It has been well documented that a strong therapeutic relationship between counsellor and client is an integral part of success in therapy. That being said, some parts of therapy can be difficult. We cannot promise you it will be easy. What we can tell you though, is that it will be worth it.

Usually one or two sessions is enough time to determine if working together will be a good fit. Sometimes a therapist and a client come together and for reasons unknown to either, it just doesn't feel right. Although uncommon, this does happen and professional referrals can be made at that time.

How does the process work?

To begin, we'd book a 50-minute session.  During this meeting, we would go through a general assessment which consists of questions regarding your personal and familial history.  From there, we would discuss your current situation and determine where you are and where you eventually want to be.  Subsequent sessions would involve a discussion around treatment recommendations and forming a plan moving forward. Therapy plays out differently for everyone. Some people find a few sessions every once in a while to be very helpful, while others feel ongoing sessions fit their needs better.  

It's Good To Talk.

Book Your Appointment Today!

We strive to meet all appointment requests within 5 business days whenever possible.

**All Alberta sessions are offered through secure video conference. British Columbia residents will have the option of either online or in person appointments in Kelowna.**